Monday, September 13, 2010

Southbrook Cove Kids Bible Challenge - Introduction

Hey Kids!

We’re so excited for our Cove Kids to take part in the challenge Pastor Rob gave for our Church to commit to reading God’s word for 100 days! I will be praying that you’ll read the Bible together with your family each day (be the one to remind your mom and dad to read together and check out the blog)!

Each week Ms Heidi and I will be posting ideas and activities for your family to do together to help you better understand what you’ll be reading in God’s word and what it means for you as you play at home, go to school, kick around the soccer ball and even as you’re doing homework! So from now until Christmas let’s learn together and see what incredible things God has for our families!

Let’s Go Cove Kids!

Kristi Thomas

Children’s Ministry Director

Hey Mom and Dad!

The phone is ringing, the dishwasher is whirling, the dog is barking, the microwave is dinging, the kids are yelling … the business of life can drown out the wonder of the simple presence of God. But I am reminded as I read this week’s words from the Lord in “In the Beginning” that we are meant to stop and stare in awestruck wonder at the works of our Creator. As a mom, I want to provide ways for my family to remember we were created for a purpose – to worship the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

As we enter into this challenge to read through the stories of the Bible in 90 days, our hope is that this blog gives you opportunities to reconnect with our Creator as families. Each week, we will provide an activity or discussion time for you to read through as a family. It may be a few minutes sitting in the carpool lane at school, stories over a frozen pizza dinner, or time at the foot of the bed before the night turns to morning and another day has begun… It doesn’t matter when we commit to do it – it is about providing time for conversations with and about God to happen in our homes. I look forward to sharing what God teaches me and hopefully, you’ll find some creative ways to make those conversations become a natural part of your time together also. Let’s commit to this journey as families who are willing to lay our business at the throne of God. Let’s be still for a few minutes each week to hear Him speak and talk together about Him.

Leading Kids to Know Jesus and Make Him Known,

Heidi DeMaio

Elementary Children’s Director

1 comment:

  1. I have already seen the 100 day reading of the parents, being a part of the children's life.. They have witnessed to me some of the things they have discussed as a family. This is wonderful that the children are being included in this.. Great idea! I am sure I will be hearing more and sharing more with them as we accomplish moving through the word together.
    Looking forward to continuing to serve and being a part of watching these precious children grow spiritually:)
    renee wilson
