“Get those Fingers Movin’ “We can make choices that show God’s love to other people. When we decide to live for Jesus, God wants us to choose God’s way instead of our way. How do we know what is God’s way? By talking to Him, listening to the Holy Spirit and learning the Bible – God’s words written for us to know Him better! The Bible helps us know what is special to God’s heart and what makes him sad and angry.
This week we read the Ten Commandments. God gave them to Moses for all people to follow if they wanted to honor Him. God asks us to hide his word in our hearts so that we can “test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) Take time this week as a family to learn the Ten Commandments together. The poem below is a great way for kids (and parents) to remember the commands of God.
Get those fingers movin’!
Miss Heidi
Ten Commandments Poem *
1. God is one and there is no other (point one finger up)
He is the Lord, there is not another (raise hand up)
2. An idol makes God # 2 (Hold up one finger on each hand)
And second place for God won't do (Cross fingers.)
3. Three fingers keep our words in check (Hold up 3 fingers) Speak God's name with respect (Cover and uncover mouth with 3 fingers)
4. Four fingers stand for arms and feet (Hold up four fingers.)
Remember the Sabbath day to keep (Walk four fingers on your arm)
5. God gives us parents when we're small (Turn palm down toward floor)
Honor them while you grow tall (Raise it higher)
6. Five fingers for a body (Hold up five fingers on one hand)
One finger for a sword (and one finger on the other hand)
Do not kill another (One finger stabs into the other five)
Is the commandment of the Lord.
7. God made a husband and a wife (Hold up two fingers
To stay together all through life (Lay down two fingers, facing up, five represent a blanket covering them)
8. Ten take away two is eight (Hold up ten fingers. Then put two fingers down)
Stealing is a sin God hates.
9. You aren't 10, you're number 9 (Hold up ten fingers; then put one finger down.)
Speak the truth; you'll do just fine.
10. Ten fingers pulling in, in, in (Turn palms up, pulling in.)
To want, want, want can be a sin.
*Author Unknown