Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kids Blog #10 - Special Plans

“Special Plans”

God had a special plan for each of the prophets we read about this week. Guess what?! God has a special plan for you too! Don’t think that because you’re young that God doesn’t have something special for you to do.

God wants for each of us to help others. Talk with your family and come up with a plan to help someone else in the next week. You could bake cookies for a neighbor or teacher, you could spend an hour picking up trash along a road by your house or you could go through your toys and pick out some to donate to a family in need. Take a picture of whatever you chose to do and bring it to The Cove to share – I’d love to see your family’s “special plan” in action!

Be creative, brainstorm with your family and come up with a plan to help others! God wants to use you to do something special!

For a special promise, see Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kids Blog #9 - Early Bird

“Early Bird“

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3

The book of Psalms is full of songs that talk about the greatness of God and of His love for us. Wouldn’t it be cool to see for ourselves what David was talking about when he wrote about “still waters” and resting in “green pastures”? This week, set aside a morning that you can make an ordinary day extraordinary by watching the sunrise as a family. Watch the morning unfold through the golds and oranges of the sunrise together. Listen to the first birds sing their songs of praise. Watch for squirrels that may be dancing in the trees, excited for the promise of today. Watch for clouds to pass by as the wind whispers through the grass.

You can do this on a weekday morning, before school, by planning the night before to pack a few snacks and a blanket and driving your car to an open area to take in the sunrise together. Or, if you have more time – maybe on Saturday – you can stop by the grocery store for some special donuts (and coffee for mom and dad!) and take a picnic blanket to a special spot at a park.

Take a few minutes to sit quietly and thank God for the beautiful world He has created. Share what your favorite part about getting up early (even before the roosters!) has been. And then, just enjoy being together; remembering that every day can be extraordinary when we remember that we serve the Creator of that amazing sunrise!

Make today extra-ordinary!

- Miss Heidi

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kids Blog #8 -Wrong Choices/Right Choices

How many times will God forgive the same mistake? The Israelites kept making the same mistakes over and over again – they turned away from God and made wrong choices.

Do you ever feel like you keep making the same mistake over and over again? Sometimes I do. But the Bible tells us that each time we are truly sorry for our sins, God will forgive us! 1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

The Bible also tells us that God’s strength can help us make right choices and turn away from sin. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Do you have a sin in your life that keeps showing up? Talk to your mom and dad about it. Ask them to pray with you and ask for God’s strength to make right choices. And remember, each time you make a mistake; God is ready and willing to forgive you!

The two verses mentioned above are verses that your whole family should know! Memorizing God’s word is always a right choice!

Family Challenge: Set a goal that each member of your family will memorize the two verses above by the end of 1 week, 2 weeks or 1 month (whatever works for your family). Once everyone can recite the verses, celebrate by making ice cream sundaes with whipped cream and cherries on top!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kids Blog #7 - "Listen"


“Listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life.” Deuteronomy 30:20

“Jason!” Mom called from the kitchen while Jason stared at the TV in the family room. “Jason Christopher!” The second time mom called Jason didn’t move a muscle, eyes glued to the cartoon on the screen.

Mom walked into the family room and put her hand on Jason’s shoulder as she said again, “Jason?” “Hmmm? Yes, Mom?” as he raised his eyes to meet hers. “Jason, you have baseball practice in just a few minutes and you really should get ready now. I’ve been calling your name but you didn’t hear me because you were watching cartoons.”

“Oh, I didn’t hear you. I’m sorry Mom.” Jason shirked his shoulders when he realized he had been ignoring his mom’s calls. “Son, I just would hate for you to miss out on baseball practice or something special happening because you are spending all your time glued to the television screen.”

Jason stood up as he turned off the TV. “Sweetheart, you know television is a fun activity every once in a while but it is really important that you don’t let it take the spot of number one in your life. Jesus wants to be number one to you and may want to speak to you. “ She put her arm around her son before he headed up the stairs to get ready for ball practice. “If you always have your eyes in front of a screen, it will be hard to hear Him. Switching off the TV was a good choice. I know it is a fun thing to do but don’t ever let it become more important than listening to God or caring about people.”

“Mom, it’s sort of the same thing as the guy we learned about at church last week – Samuel. Remember? He’s the guy who kept hearing God’s voice but wasn’t paying attention and thought it was someone else? “ Jason ran up the stairs and then turned around with one last thought… “Turning off video games and TV is hard for me because I like them a lot but I love God more – I am going to remember to turn off the TV so that I have time to talk to God.”

Questions to talk about with your family:

  1. What can you do to listen to God’s voice?
  2. Have you ever heard from God? How?

Let’s try to tune in to God and tune out the extra noise!

- Miss Heidi

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kids Blog #6 - "Be Brave"

Judges 6:14-16

Gideon was full of excuses when the Lord told him that he would lead an army against Israel’s enemies. But because the Lord was with him, Gideon defeated the huge enemy army with only 300 men.

Don’t make excuses for not courageously following God!

What is God asking you to do that seems really hard?

Be nice to your sister? (But she’s really irritating)

Obey your mom and dad? (But my show wasn’t over yet, why do I have to turn the TV off?)

Be friendly to the “new kid” at school? (But what if they’re weird or they think I’m weird?)

Tell the truth even if it means there might be a punishment? (But no one saw me break that vase – if I tell the truth, I might get yelled at)

It’s really easy to come up with lots of excuses! But remember God is always with us and He gives us strength to follow Him, even when it means doing hard things.

As a family talk about what it means to be brave and do what God wants you to do. Each write down 1 thing that you need God’s help with this week – at work, at school, or at home. Commit to praying for each other. Pray that God would help each member of your family to courageously follow Him!

This week - let’s be brave!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kids Blog #5 - “Get those Fingers Movin’ “

“Get those Fingers Movin’ “

We can make choices that show God’s love to other people. When we decide to live for Jesus, God wants us to choose God’s way instead of our way. How do we know what is God’s way? By talking to Him, listening to the Holy Spirit and learning the Bible – God’s words written for us to know Him better! The Bible helps us know what is special to God’s heart and what makes him sad and angry.

This week we read the Ten Commandments. God gave them to Moses for all people to follow if they wanted to honor Him. God asks us to hide his word in our hearts so that we can “test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) Take time this week as a family to learn the Ten Commandments together. The poem below is a great way for kids (and parents) to remember the commands of God.

Get those fingers movin’!
Miss Heidi

Ten Commandments Poem *

1. God is one and there is no other (point one finger up)
He is the Lord, there is not another (raise hand up)

2. An idol makes God # 2 (Hold up one finger on each hand)
And second place for God won't do (Cross fingers.)

3. Three fingers keep our words in check (Hold up 3 fingers) Speak God's name with respect (Cover and uncover mouth with 3 fingers)

4. Four fingers stand for arms and feet (Hold up four fingers.)

Remember the Sabbath day to keep (Walk four fingers on your arm)
5. God gives us parents when we're small (Turn palm down toward floor)
Honor them while you grow tall (Raise it higher)

6. Five fingers for a body (Hold up five fingers on one hand)
One finger for a sword (and one finger on the other hand)
Do not kill another (One finger stabs into the other five)
Is the commandment of the Lord.

7. God made a husband and a wife (Hold up two fingers
To stay together all through life (Lay down two fingers, facing up, five represent a blanket covering them)

8. Ten take away two is eight (Hold up ten fingers. Then put two fingers down)
Stealing is a sin God hates.

9. You aren't 10, you're number 9 (Hold up ten fingers; then put one finger down.)
Speak the truth; you'll do just fine.

10. Ten fingers pulling in, in, in (Turn palms up, pulling in.)

To want, want, want can be a sin.

*Author Unknown

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kids Blog #4 - The Great Escape

We can call Exodus “the Great Escape!” The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, but God had promised to give them the land of Canaan. To keep His promise, God performed miracles in order to force Egypt’s king to free the Israelites. In Exodus, we learn that God uses His power to help people. Wow! Reading about all that God did to get His people out of Egypt reminds me that our God is POWERFUL! And just like He used His power to help the Israelites; today, He’ll use His power to help us too!

As a family go back through the story of God leading the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 13:17-14:31) and see if you can answer the following questions:

By day, the LORD led the Israelites with a column (or cloud) of ________________.

By night, the LORD led the Israelites with a column (or cloud) of _______________.

The LORD told Moses to have the Israelites set up their camp facing Pi Hahiroth. Which direction did He tell them to have their camp face? (hint – north, south, east or west)

What did the LORD tell Moses to raise in chapter 14 verse 16?

In chapter 14 verse 21, it says that all night the LORD pushed back the sea with what?

This week, let’s remember that God uses His power to help people and that includes you and me!